Motorsports Wiring Services
Clean, Dependable and Serviceable
It's more than a Race Car...
If you’re thinking about hiring HCR Innovations to wire your race car, this tells us one thing right off the bat, your car is more than just some old race car. It’s something important to you, and it’s important to get it done right. You don’t want to be “That Guy” whose car can’t start in the lanes, or that guy that loses first round because his car’s power shut off at half-track throwing away the race.
Nope, your serious about having it done right, and we are too…

We've been wiring cars since 2012
With over 90 full wiring installations under our belt, and counting, you can say we’ve learned a lot about race car wiring over the years. With a focus on Holley EFI equipped cars, we’ve also specialized in High Horsepower applications. From a 3000 hp Drag N’ Drive beast to Pro Mods, we’ve likely already done several cars something like yours.
Want Flex-Fuel? An Alky car to start with no problems in 40 degree weather? We got ya brother…

Details are important
If you look deep, you’ll notice the things we do that make your Race Car dependable and easy to service. We understand it not only needs to look good, but you’ve also got to be able to work on it easily! We’ve got the experience to know what to do, and what not to do…
ECU's, PDMs, Data Loggers, COP, CNP, DIS - it's not so simple anymore...
With today’s race cars, you can’t “just” do wiring – after all relays are so 1990’s… EFI Systems require ECU & accessory modules setup, programmed and tuned. Car owners also need support from someone that knows the system inside and out.
With every car we wire, we commit an entire day to your pick up. This isn’t just “give me your money and leave”. I, personally, will spend as much time as you allow, to educate you on everything we did, as well as everything I think will further your racing program. When you come to us you leave with an education, not just a bill.